Life-saving breathing
Even today’s scientists, who today travel to the lunar orbits, do not deny the existence of nine planets and their orbits. And they are amazed at our astronomical knowledge.
Even today in Germany many thousands of Tamil manuscripts are kept safely in a glass case. Mohanavelu, Nandanam Men’s Arts College, Chennai.
We, the Tamil people, are not yet free from the western culture. Tamils are the only ones who yearn for English passion and fair skin. Cows in all the countries of the world shout that everything is even mother. But the children of Tamils call themselves mummy. We all know that mummy is dead and long dead.
If we often use the words amma, alla, amen, om
Will remain in place without deviating from its place. If the decay gases are stable then there is no disease. The disease comes only when they are self-limiting. The food that man eats the most is air. Man lives only by having air every second. If such air is polluted or the condition changes, the disease will come and go.
ஏற்றி இறக்கி இரு காலைப் பூரிக்கும்
காற்றைப் பிடிக்கும் கணக்கரிவாரில்லை
காற்றைப் பிடிக்கும் கணக்கரிவாளர்க்கு
கூற்றை உதைக்கும் குறி அதுவாமே

We normally pull air in and out. We do not do as we should. In fact, it is happening without our knowledge. The Siddhas say that if one knows the subtle account in it, the claimant will come to the point of kicking us.
So to avoid death one needs knowledge of air and a guru to teach it. Do this

சாகாமல் வாழ்வதற்கன்றோ
தான் கற்கும் கல்வி
வாகாக நீ மெய் கல்வி அறி மனமே
காட்டில் அலைந்தாலும் கன தவம் புரிந்தாலும்
காட்டிக்கொடுக்கும் குருவில்லாமல்
ஞானம்மா கண்டறியலாகாதே
என்ற பாடல் வரிகள் மூலமாக அறியலாம்.
Yoga requires air for constant bliss. Human standard erotic status requires air. That’s why he sighs at the erotic end. It breathes normally. Why does it come? Comes with petty happy eroticism. It is the decision of the Siddhas that if we surrender to the Lord that I do not want this pleasure, the Lord will bless us with the state of bliss. Do this
பிறந்த இடம் நோக்குதே
பேதை மட நெஞ்சம்
கறந்த இடம் நோக்குதே கண்
You can know everything by the Siddhar song.
So while air is the cause of birth and death, the disease between the two is also caused by wind. You can know this by the song of Tirumula.
வளியினை வாங்கி
வயிற்றினில் அடக்கில்
பளிங்கொத்து காயம்
பழுக்கினும் பிஞ்சாம்
Even the elderly are young when the air is ingested in the manner prescribed by the Siddhas.
ஒருவேளை உண்பவன் யோகி
இரண்டு வேளை உண்பவன் போகி
மூன்று வேளை உண்பவன் ரோகி
நான்கு வேளை உண்பவன் பாவி
The people of that day had food to work for, and today the food itself has become labor.
“விருந்தும் மருந்தும் மூன்று நாள்”
Is the blessing of the Siddhas, our sages. The Siddharthas decided that guests should not stay in a house for more than three days and that the medicine should not be given for more than three days. No matter how big the disease is to be cured in three days, most people think that taking pills for long days in paranormal medicine. But many are unaware that paranormal medicine alone has more drugs than any other medical system in the world.
Siddha medicine Siddhas bestowed by Sivanupavam Siddhas
Such arts have been graced with great grace in the manuscripts. The treasures found by Dr. E. Murugan as a result of his many years of research are kidney stones, gallstones, pancreatitis and the one time medicine to cure for jaundice.